plastic injection moulding mould factory
mould base:S50C
mould cavity and core: 718H
Molding part :cap
Roughness of cavity : #800 polishing
mold lifespan:300000 shots
standard formy: ekvivalent DME
Dongguan factory for plastic injection moulding mould
DFM (Design for Manufacturing) process. Feasibility Analysis Report will be offered prior to mould design.
Mould building starandard :LKM, DEM, HASCO standard equivalent or in according client’s demand
Mold test usually take 2-3times to get ok samples.
Single or muti-cavity we are capable
standardní dřevěná krabice bez fumigace pro balení na export
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Bude nabídnuto video testu formy
Budou nabídnuty bezplatné vzorky a inspekční zpráva